Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Make and Cake and Mousey Boxes

Good Morning. I am a bit (as my mother would say) overtired this morning. MakeClub last night was such fun. We didn't actually get much making done, but there was much tea and caking, and lots of ideas for new projects hatching!

Most excitingly someone bought along a box of old fabrics they had inherited. Well my heart always beats a little faster at the thought of fabric treasure boxes, but it can often be a bit of a disappointment, because vintage isn't always good! But ohh my what a box of fabrics. With the warning that there was probably a mouse in the bottom we rummaged. EVERYTHING was fantastic! The kind of box of fabric that you always hope to find in your attic.

Look at those lovely paisley swirls and little floral stripes, ooh it was all I could do not to snatch it and barricade the doors! It's going to all be transformed into a modern quilt made from vintage fabrics in homage to Great Granny. Now that's what quilting is all about.

p.s there was no mouse, but oh what a fabulous nest it would have built!


  1. Lovely blog !!! will come more often nice you re makeclun I have a few too and it is so inspiring..... Greetings from the Netherlands !!

  2. Dear Handmade

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! Lovely to have a Dutch follower! I'm looking forward to seeing your circles quilt block, it looks lovely!

