Saturday, 31 October 2009
No Rest For The Wicked On Halloween!
Friday, 30 October 2009
Messing About By The River
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Quilting + Knitting
This is one of the many baby quilts I made for BabyButton when I was expecting her, I've since knitted a blanket ( moss stitch in Debbie Bliss soft pink) to go with it. All tucked into the buggy under these two layers she couldn't be snugglier.
Two Nice Things Happened
Monday, 26 October 2009
Mini Make Time!
I have also finally turned my Make Club heart into a lovely squashy cushion. I don't know how I have never actually made a quilted cushion cover before, but it's turned out very comfy so this may be the first of many.
We're not really ones for 'Things To Do At Half Term' type scheduling of the days, we like to mooch about and make a mess - all in the name of Making Fun. The Smalls have been hard at work, with spookiness the order of the week, today we have been making felty ghosts, and the template for bats has also been agreed after some negotiation between the two artists! Anyway, I'm needed for spider web/wool stickiness so better get on...........
Saturday, 24 October 2009
I've joined the folks on Folksy!

Thursday, 22 October 2009
Ultimate Buggy Gloves
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
Attacking the UFO's ( Unfinished Objects!)
Anyway, better run, have to catch the post office before it closes to send one of my little Quilt Kits off to Australia! What fun!
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Socks Rock

So this is my sock, kindly modelled by Bunny, who after a Cinderella style audition amongst the soft toys was found to be the only animal with a suitably strange shaped foot!
Monday, 12 October 2009
Getting my Ducks in a Line
Thursday, 8 October 2009
Reasons to be Cheerful
Sitting in the autumn sun, sewing whilst Baby Button slept, that's three reasons to be cheerful if ever there were some.
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
Make and Cake and Mousey Boxes
Most excitingly someone bought along a box of old fabrics they had inherited. Well my heart always beats a little faster at the thought of fabric treasure boxes, but it can often be a bit of a disappointment, because vintage isn't always good! But ohh my what a box of fabrics. With the warning that there was probably a mouse in the bottom we rummaged. EVERYTHING was fantastic! The kind of box of fabric that you always hope to find in your attic.
Look at those lovely paisley swirls and little floral stripes, ooh it was all I could do not to snatch it and barricade the doors! It's going to all be transformed into a modern quilt made from vintage fabrics in homage to Great Granny. Now that's what quilting is all about.
p.s there was no mouse, but oh what a fabulous nest it would have built!
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
MakeClub Night
Looking back at these pics though I'm thinking the knitting is all a bit pink? Time for a stripey blanket? I'm off to soak up some colourful stripey inspiration at Lucy's Attic24 blog, ooh and to pick up my 'teach yourself crochet' book from the library! Another day another project!
Monday, 5 October 2009
A Little Bit of This...a Little Bit of That
This weekend I had set aside for Leaves Quilt. We had a lovely autumn morning sunlit walk up The Big High Hill on Saturday, BabyButton in the backpack, Badger found a good stick early in the journey (so important when you are a small boy of 4) and I returned full of the joys of autumn - it all boded well. I knuckled down for a morning of autumn leaves with the help of Miss Belle (who is only a weekend helper due to unfortunate school commitments!). We were very pleased with the oak leaves (it's very helpful having small 6 year old fingers for fiddly sticking around freezer paper). Here they are, in the porch sadly, as it's raining here today so can't recreate my under the trees shot I had planned to show just how many more leaves have fallen since Friday - it's proper Autumn at last.
Anyway, that's as far as we got as like-daughter-like-mother, Miss Belle decided what she really wanted to be doing was rummaging in the scrap bin to make a bed for her Waybuloo, De Li (OK anyone reading this who does not have small children, Waybuloo's are little (kind of Buddhist!) magical creatures on CBeebie's (children's TV)). The rest of you mummies may just sigh in mutual recognition of what 5 years of enforced preschool CBeebies will do to take over your world!
That's all fine, we usually end up in the scrap bin, it's where the most fabric fun can be found, no? Except Mummy started playing too.....and......... well I spent the rest of the weekend on a new idea. Oops.
You see the pink scraps were all laid out next to my MakeClub flyer, and they matched so nicely, and I have a penchant for fabric signage ( see my Make Do & Mend banner at the side), so now I am making a MakeClub welcome pendant to hang on my door on Club Nights! Except the next one is tommorrow night .....gulp.... my Sycamore leaf applique is looking accusingly at me ... better go and do some sewing!