Sunday, 20 December 2009
Crotchety Crochet
Saturday, 19 December 2009
Liberated Table Runner
Now it needs to be a bit longer so I think I will add a pieced section at each end with little squares of all the much loved reds to give it a bit more patchworky look. Now I am fighting the desire to make it reversible and do Gwen and Freddies Liberated Trees on the back in green? For Boxing Day? Just turn it over et voila?! Hum, time may be against me!
However the snow lies deep and crisp and even outside this afternoon so perhaps it will get done!
Thursday, 17 December 2009
"Office Xmas Lunch"
I also promised you a little secret look at my Elf Project. All things related to Xmas secrets are known as 'Elving' in our house and this is firmly in that camp. I am making Father Xmas sacks to hang at the end of the beds of the Smalls. I found the perfect linen, french style material in The Axminster Quilt Store, in Axminster in Devon. Lorette always has the perfect bolt you have searched for elsewhere. I'm hand sewing appliques of the Smalls names and hearts and stars. Obviously I'm on a bit of a immovable deadline on this one so I had better stop messing about on the computer and use this kids-in-bed-time to get on with them! Bye!
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!
I am also midway through a little xmas sewing project for the Smalls which necessitates stealth sewing so no pics yet as too dark, will show you tomorrow if I get a chance!
Oh and the very indulgent bunch of tulips in just my fav shade of Damson were a present from my lovely Make Club as last night was our Xmas Make Merry night, and a fab time was had by all, just a teeny bit fragile today so knitting therapy just what was needed. Thank you Lovely Friends!
Sunday, 13 December 2009
Oh I do like to be beside the seaside
1. The Seaside
2. Family
3. Knitting a new skill ( I learnt to knit flowers)
4. Visit to favourite Quilt shop and purchase of exciting new stash items.
5. Ice cream
I also tried my hand at learning to crochet under the patient tuition of my lovely mum. Humm. I was not a natural, more practise needed. Think crochet will be my 2010 new years resolution!
Until then I will be knitting flowers and adorning all knitted items in sight!
Aren't these beach-hut-fingerless-glove-tastic?!
Friday, 11 December 2009
Moments of Material Inspiration
I do love the day my Country Living pops onto the doormat each month. It does feel kind of wrong to read the January issue when we haven't yet had Xmas, but just look at this irresistible cover shot. Every now and again a colour combination just seems to keep popping up and asking to be used. A couple of days ago I was reading this at Crazy Mom Quilts and admiring this beautiful xmas quilt Figgy Pudding. You see such a lot of red and green together at xmas, but I just loved the pairing of the mossy green with the smokey red.
But as is often the way, with this colour combo in my head, I started to realise that I was already pairing them;
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
Quilty Snugglers
I mentioned my new task to a few friends who all agreed that a Mini Quilty might make a great first quilt project for the nervous! So I have spent the last few days cutting a few kits, and packing the most delicious little square Quilty Snuggler Boxes with kits.
I am off to my first fair tonight, the More Than a Mama Xmas Fayre at Berkhampsted in Herts, so will see if they find homes there! Come along if you are in the area, it looks like it will be a great evening. It is a group of Mums who Make, exhibiting for other mums to come along and shop, I'm very excited. Anyway better go and pack some boxes!
Saturday, 5 December 2009
Ducks in a Row
It's finally ready! My Ducks in a Row Quilt Kit, the newest addition to my little Make Do & Mend Quilt Kit business is finally ready to waddle off to a new quilter to be handmade into a cherished heirloom, and hopefully to convert a new quilter to the fold!

Thursday, 3 December 2009
Little Knitting Bag
Look! Look what the postman bought for me today! It's just the most perfect marriage of form and function realised in a knitting bag for carrying your knitting with you in your handbag! It comes from Sarah at Plain Jane Textiles and I bought mine on Folksy here in the UK. Sarah designs and hand prints all her own textiles then makes them into lovely things like this.
I had been wrestling with the problem of tangly handbag knitting for a while. Since I have embraced the dpns too this is compounded by the problem of losing the naked(?) needle (is there a proper term for the one left over???!). Given that my knitting window when watching swimming lessons (my usual travelling knit venue) is a very tight 20 mins all in after you've finished wrestling them into swimming costumes/hats etc then turned all their clothes back in the right way for the even more troublesome wrestle back into clothes! So you see you can't waste time winding balls and hunting in the black hole that is my handbag for a needle.
So this is the perfect solution, but it is so so much more than just that. It is a thing of beauty don't you think? I need to get out more just to show off my knitting bag! It's a Knitting It Bag!