Tuesday 17 November 2009

The Lure of the New

This week there has been a lot of temptation about.

You might remember a few weeks past I won the QuiltHome blog link of the week and was given $ to spend on fabric. I love ordering material from the US as the anticipation of waiting for the fat parcels to arrive is more than worth the shipping costs ( which are usually really reasonable anyway given you don't have to spend money on petrol or parking, or any of the other things that a trip out to a fabric shop finds you 'accidentally' spending money on. In fact I think it saves me money, humm I like that line of reasoning!).

Anyway, this week the postman bought me this exciting pile of possibilities which is now looking enticingly at me from the corner of my workroom and generally being very distracting.

But I am being very disciplined with myself this week and have forbidden myself from starting anew until this is finished

Which I think it a step forward for my usually scatter gun approach to projects on the go. I am also battling extreme wool temptation.......... I'll tell you about that tomorrow, to run to MakeMorning Knitting Group


  1. You are good!

    Love your fabric purchase and that autumnal quilt is looking gorgeous.

    Have a lovely day,

    Nina xxx

  2. Yes, i need to use that line of reasoning too!! Oh, yes, ....i already do :-)
