Monday, 30 November 2009
Christmas Craft Countdown!
Saturday, 28 November 2009
No Such Thing as Too Much of a Good Thing.
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Sunshine in a Rainy Week
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Mid Knit Crisis
Saturday, 21 November 2009
Love Handmade Friday
Then in the afternoon whilst doing a speed buggy dash through John Lewis I was stopped in my tracks by a mini craft event going on! I met Pippa North who makes the most exquisite felted creations, I indulged in this gorgeous flower for my new Navy and Fuchsia Pink coat, doesn't it look fantastic. She was telling me all about her mother and daughter teaching days that she runs - what fun, I'd love to do one.
Thursday, 19 November 2009
Autumn Leaves Quilt Blowing in the Wind
I finished the top of my Autumn Leaves quilt, which is just as well as there are not many leaves left on the trees about here with this wind blowing. Thus it was very hard to get a shot of all of it in one go, too gusty! Don't have any backing for it yet, but don't want to loose the momentum.
I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out. Now I want to back it in something warm and cosy and will hand quilt it in perle cotton, with a wool wadding for maximum chunky cosiness. I love having seasonal things to bring out each year to mark the seasons turn. I think this will live on the leather chair in front of the fire when it's all finished.
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
Yarnish Temptations
After a long overdue tidy up and audit of my workroom this weekend it became very apparent that I am not a 'completer/finisher'. When I used to do a scary job where everyone else was very ambitious and high powered except me (I spent my time dreaming of pottering about at home in a pinny), we used to get subjected to these horrible personality audits where they would tell you 'what kind of person' you were and how you could 'flex your style'. Ooh it gives me the shivers just remembering. Anyway, they always said I was not a completer/finisher. Which if you are an optimist just means I am a very good starter/beginner!
Anyway. I now have a tidy workroom and a large pile of unfinished things that need to be finished before I start anything new. Yes I am feeling very strict with myself.
But ooh, just look at my lovely new wool, just waiting to be knitted.
I'm planning to knit this pattern for 'proper' fingerless gloves from Purl Soho. They have kind of finger bits and are knitted in the round. But before I can start I have to finish my made up gloves which I fondly call the Ultimate Buggy Gloves, or rather the Ultimate Buggy Glove as there was only one for some time as I had to track down another ball of the lovely Mission Falls wool. Anyway, it's been quite strangely mild so I haven't really missed the other glove (no, I haven't just been wearing one), but a cold snap is no doubt on it's way so a second glove must be finished first.
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
The Lure of the New
Which I think it a step forward for my usually scatter gun approach to projects on the go. I am also battling extreme wool temptation.......... I'll tell you about that tomorrow, to run to MakeMorning Knitting Group
Friday, 13 November 2009
In Appreciation of Buttons as a Gateway to Happy Feelings
It's very grey here, and very rainy, and everyone has a perfect conditions for the power of buttons to work their magic! Today I decided was the kind of day for the most trivial type of making, which is all so often the most satisfying kind don't you think?
You see I have been on a mission to make my MakeRoom a bit more 'Studio'ish! I have looked at many many lovely, colour coordinated, organised, beautifully storaged studios on different blogs, and frankly, mine is not a thing of beauty. I am lucky enough to have a bit of a 'room of ones own', but where as in life I am quite tidy, in craft I am a bit of a scruff. By the way isn't the original cover of Virginia Woolf's essay quite beautiful? It could be a lovely New England blue and white quilt couldn't it?
I digress, anyway as part of my MakeRoom MakeOver I bought some cheap and cheerful pin boards in Ikea and painted the frames a lovely Barn Red. Then I have assembled all the scraps of things I tear out and print off for inspiration, that previously have just formed a little dusty heap of curling edges. But when it got to the pinning on bit, I felt a lack of something. I googled 'fun drawing pins' but it seems they don't exist? After a dejected trawl through Rymans and the like I found to my joy thatI was not alone in my dissatisfaction of the humble drawing pin!
Now I know there are probably much better things I could be doing with my time, but in a time~related to~enjoyment type equationy way I think this is just about a perfect way to spend 20mins on a very rainy, coldy, Friday!
It's as simple as get some pins, glue on some colourful buttons ( not your fingers, it's a bit fiddly), feel happy...........Life can be very simple when you let it!
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Home Comforts
Monday, 9 November 2009
Fleeting Moments
Friday, 6 November 2009
Made & Found
Mummy had finished making her Ultimate Pinky Bike Gloves, they were deemed most warm and cosy, and most importantly 'Pinkish'.
Secondly a little mouse in a box arrived through the post. Last week on our trip to The River a beloved small mouse was given to Baby Button as a distraction during the fraught purchasing of school shoes. Sadly Mousey was ditched overboard at some stage by Baby Button, unnoticed. There was much sadness.
Thanks to the lovely Anne at Made & Found a new mousey arrived today looking for a home. He was made most welcome. He went off to school this morning clutched tightly inside the new gloves. I hope he makes it home!
Thursday, 5 November 2009
Warm Hands and Warm Hearts
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
Rainbows in the Rain, Robins & Roses
And of course I now feel the need to have a knitted blanket to match each of my baby quilts(!) so here it is with it's partner, my all time favourite quilt I have ever made, it was the first time I busted out of following patterns and just did my own colourful thing.