Monday 8 February 2010

Egg-cited about Crochet!

I've finally cracked it! I can crochet!

Regular readers may remember that I have had several failed attempts to teach myself crochet, it has not been an easy journey. My mum tried to teach me here. I was not a patient pupil. Sorry mum. I got a book out of the library, it ended in cross near-tears. So I decided to put myself in the hands of the professionals and ta dah, my first new years craft resolution is fulfilled - I finally get it

I enrolled on a course here at Nimble Thimble in Buckingham, our newest local patchwork and knitting shop ( it's great, visit it, lovely wool and a modern selection of fabrics, and fantastic list of classes and teachers). The course was taught by Sarah Hazell from Rowan yarns. Now if you ever get a chance to go on any of her courses ( she teaches all over the country)I would say DO IT! The woman is both a saint and an inspiration! As we hamfisted our way through her flawless instructions and fun mini projects she was unfailingly encouraging and optimistic of our abilities, and do you know what - we did it!

I am now completely obsessed with my mini egg inspired, mini granny squares blanket. Don't check back regularly for a ta dah mind you - it's v slow work for me at the mo! Got to speed up though, I'm signed up for further crochet later in the spring.


  1. 'Yeah' well done you!! It took me a year and I'm still all fingers and thumbs.

    The granny squares look adorable and I love the colours you've chosen.

    Nina xx

  2. Way to go the granny squares look great!
